How To Nail The
“10-Minute Call” With A New Prospect To Guarantee The MSP Close

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A New And Better Way To Get New Business

Thanks to the plague, we’ve all had to figure out how to sell prospects virtually. One of the offers that has been working crazy-good is the “10-minute call” over the in-person assessment or audit. 

But how do you conduct it? What do you say/ask? How do turn that “shy maybe” into a prospect that is eager to talk to you more about outsourcing their IT support to you? 

During this special webinar, long-time Producers Club member and audIT founder Frank DeBenedetto and Robin will be discussing a NEW approach to the 10-minute call that will help you engage the prospect and get them to see where they are being underserved, and how their current IT company is failing them.

This assessment REALLY digs in to SECURE remote workforce protocols, Dark Web monitoring and reviewing what their employees are doing online from home that will not only jeopardize the company’s security, but also kill productivity.

Your Hosts

Robin Robins

Frank M. DeBenedetto

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